LEED requirements for minimum energy performance are changing for LEED v4 projects. Projects registered after February 29, 2024 will have new and more stringent thresholds to achieve the minimum improved energy performance credits in LEED V4. Also there are now points available for GHG improvement.
For example, a currently registered BD+C project with 9% energy cost savings would earn 2 points. However, if it is registered after February 29, 2024, it FAILS TO MEET THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENT. The first point is achieved at 20% savings with the new project thresholds.
For LEED v4 projects that are registered after the end of February 2024, the points have been divided into two different categories:
- Energy Cost (or energy sourcing)
- Greenhouse Gas Emission (GHG) improvement
Up to also up to 9 points (10 for LEED for Healthcare) are available in each category.
If you are working on a LEED v4 project that is registered before March 1, 2024, the old minimum mandatory requirement of 5% better than code, and points thresholds WILL NOT CHANGE. Only LEED v4 projects registered after February 29, 2024 will have to meet the new, more stringent requirements.

Source: US. Green Building Council LEED v4 Energy Update (2024) – https://support.usgbc.org/hc/en-us/articles/24332416264595-LEED-v4-energy-update
For additional information, please see the USGBC posting on this issue at https://www.usgbc.org/articles/leed-v4-energy-update-approved-member-ballot, or reach out to TLC’s Peak Institute https://tlc-engineers.com/ideas/peak-institute/