Smart Buildings
Incorporating Technologies to Increase Efficiency

As system designers at TLC, we’re incorporating numerous building technologies into our designs as they become network capable, giving building owners the benefit of better building management.
Flashback to 1999—the Internet of Things (IoT) was just starting to be used in buildings, but only for specific applications, like radio frequency identification systems (RFID). Flash forward to today, and IoT is being used in new ways practically daily, saving money for businesses and building owners.
Examples of smart-enabled systems include, but are not limited to HVAC, lighting, temperature sensing, window shading, security, audio-visual systems, and health monitoring. All of these systems have the ability to reside on a building’s network and provide endless analytics, giving the building owner the ability to customize and manage their smart building.
Our goals are to deliver a design that is fully integrated to work seamlessly and provide training and documented operating procedures for the proper system management, allowing owners to harvest the data that helps them arrive at the best decisions for them.