Working on a LEED BD+C v4 or v4.1 project and need all five innovation points? At least one of those points needs to be a pilot credit if you want to achieve all five. Have you considered Water Restoration Certificates (WRCs)? The Pilot Credit WEpc110 can earn you one point for the purchase of WRCs to match the building’s annual water budget based on the WE credit annual use calculations (indoor, outdoor, and process). If purchased within the project’s watershed you must purchase WRCs for 100% of project’s annual water budget for a 5-year contract. Outside the project’s watershed? Purchase WRCs for 200% of projects annual water budget for a 5-year contract. WRCs may be purchased from Bonneville Environmental Foundation (BEF). If pursuing, remember to register the Pilot credit for your project and participate in the required follow-up survey.

If you are working on a LEED ID+C Commercial Interiors v4 or v4.1 project it can be even less costly to purchase WRCs because your purchase is based on the water use within your project’s LEED boundary. If the restrooms are outside of your boundary and you only have a breakroom/kitchen sink, and perhaps a dishwasher, the cost could be very reasonable. Same contract length and inside/outside watershed rules apply as with BD+C. WEpc110 applies to various rating systems so check to see if it applies to your project, you might just be able to capture all five innovation points. Find out more by visiting the USGBC website’s LEED Credit Library.