Hamilton Medical Center Peeples Cancer Institute

64000 FT2
Dalton, GA, USA
Healthcare / Cancer Centers
Project list


Bringing together under one roof services previously provided from a variety of locations, the Peeples Cancer Institute centralizes cancer care from diagnosis through treatment and recovery. Hamilton Health System selected TLC to provide technology equipment / systems planning, procurement and implementation to assure that when the doors of the new facility opened, all technology would be accurately supported and operational.


A three-phased approach was used to guide the process:

Technology Visioning Session – Key decision makers from IT, facilities, administration, clinical leadership, supply chain and department heads worked jointly to capture Clinical, Technical and Operational goals. The group considered technology trends for implementation, defined short term plans for infrastructure, space needs and resiliency to incorporate the technology vision into the overall project plan and facilities master plan.

Technology Planning & Procurement – Inventory was taken of all existing technology equipment, identifying what would be re-used and where, as well as what equipment had to be procured. Critically important to this step is developing a responsibility matrix for all activities from inventory through systems interface, purchasing, installation, testing and training. This data informs the Technology Equipment budget, as well as the architectural/engineering design team so that adequate spaces and connections are included in the drawings. Hamilton elected to have TLC work closely with their purchasing staff to procure all necessary equipment, in compliance with TLC’s specs.

Construction Services Phase – TLC tracked equipment delivery, warehousing and chain of custody through installation. TLC team members reviewed all equipment after installation, creating a final punch list for the contractor and reconciling the technology budget.

Knowing that all technology was operational on day one, properly funded and tracked through the design and construction process to deliver a fully functional facility means that cancer care is being delivered seamlessly at Peebles.