Image Courtesy: Architects RZK

Viera Charter School Expansion

45,000 FT2
Viera, FL, USA
Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing / Structural Engineering / Life Safety and Fire Protection / Technology
Project list


With a goal of increasing enrollment from the current 1,050 students to more than 1,500 for the 2020-2021 school year, the A-rated Viera Charter School is expanding. By securing adjacent land, the 40,000 square foot, two-story expansion will provide an additional 24 middle school classrooms, as well as a new cafeteria, new 650-fixed seat gymnatorium that can accommodate an additional 300 people in chairs on the main floor, running track and multi-use athletic field.


Delivered in the design/build method, the new building will be designed and constructed on an aggressive schedule, providing for increased enrollment in this rapidly growing area of Brevard County. Energy efficient VRF systems also allow for more precise temperature control in the facility so that one classroom may be cooled to a different temperature than others to accommodate various situations. An additional benefit, particularly in an educational setting, is the reduced noise levels typical with VRF systems. The structural design of the expansion is rated for wind loading as required by code due to Viera's proximity to the beach.