TLC’s energy management professionals combine today’s advanced technologies, optimal design for energy consumption, and climate-appropriate energy consumption targets to achieve high-performance and net zero energy buildings. Pathways for managing energy consumption include optimal design of the building envelope, fenestration, lighting systems, HVAC systems, controls, and service water heating.

The first step is establishing a specific energy use intensity per square foot target to cost-effectively achieve zero energy. Setting a net zero energy budget based on how much energy can feasibly be generated onsite annually is a great place to start. TLC employs systems integration strategies to balance energy consumption and energy supply to enable the building to meet its own energy needs.

Through extensive energy modeling and an iterative process, starting at pre-concept and continuing throughout design, we evaluate the effectiveness of different pathways to zero energy. We also use parametric analysis to assess operational energy use and its intersecting trade-offs with embodied energy from using multiple variables. Common variables are shown to the left.
Our net zero process is centered on vetting all possible solutions of envelope, lighting, HVAC, plumbing, ventilation, glazing, operations, and orientation before applying the final step of onsite renewable energy generation. Learn more about net zero design in the video below and TLC’s Peak Institute by clicking here. We look forward to customizing an approach to reach net zero on your project.