What Does it Take to Keep Aircraft Cool in Hot, Humid Climates?
Have you ever been stuck on that hot plane or grounded from taking off because they couldn’t cool it down enough for passengers to board?...

Healthcare Facility Hurricane Preparedness
Hurricane Preparedness Checklist The following list is taken from a lessons learned summary related to how Hurricane Irma impacted numerous healthcare facilities. It is not...

Will Your Facility Fail When It Matters?
By now we are all familiar with what commissioning is – the systematic review and testing of building systems to ensure they are working as...

Risk and Reliability in Building Engineering and Design
Jeff LaSalle, Principal and Fire Protection Engineer, has a depth of experience that includes life safety consulting. His passion for designing systems that provide protection...

Fire Protection Engineering / Life Safety Consulting at TLC Engineering Solutions
Fire Protection Engineers (FPE) are specially trained through their education and experience to deal with fire and life safety problems in a holistic manner. We...