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Numerous recent projects have benefited from TLC’s team of acoustical specialists.  The team recently developed this list of building elements where noise transmission should be considered during design to result in a successful project.  Working on a project that would benefit from an acoustical check up?  Have a project that’s complete and some fine tuning of acoustical elements would benefit the users? Contact Lawrin.Ellis@tlc-eng.com or 239.292.3776 for assistance.

 Acoustical checklist:

  1. Specify sound transmission class (STC) walls and doors where appropriate to minimize noise transmission
  2. Need office privacy? Consider the door seals and sweeps in noise sensitive spaces
  3. Have spaces where confidentiality is crucial? Consider ways to improve speech intelligibility and mask transmission
  4. Everyone loves a grand atrium – know your reverberation levels
  5. Glass partition and movable glass walls in your design – what is the noise transmission between spaces? Demountable partitions? Know the difference between STC Rating vs. ASTC, or apparent sound transmission class
  6. Plan for noise levels when locating a generator – proximity to neighbors? Noise ordinances?
  7. Location of mechanical equipment relative to occupied spaces
  8. And most importantly, have a balanced comprehensive approach for acoustics – consider ALL the ways noise is transmitted in and around a building and how it impacts both building users and neighbors!