When you walk into a building and feel comfortable, then I know I’ve done my job. Being surrounded by talented, passionate folks that work together to create the most technically advanced, efficient, creative built environment.
Thought Leadership

Tampa International Airport (TPA) Central Utility Plant, Key Design Elements (2 of 3)
Looking For Savings in Unlikely Places The second article in this TPA Central Utility Plant (CUP) chilling series is about…well, producing chilled and hot water...

Tampa International Airport (TPA) Central Utility Plant, Key Design Elements (1 of 3)
When Aerodynamics Cause a Design to Take Off When did the discussion of the TPA Central Utility Plant (CUP) all start? In 2012, my first...

What Does it Take to Keep Aircraft Cool in Hot, Humid Climates?
Have you ever been stuck on that hot plane or grounded from taking off because they couldn’t cool it down enough for passengers to board?...

Making Terminals Safer Through HVAC Design
Aviation market sector leader Dominic Cacolici recently shared his insight with Airport World on the many ways that HVAC design can make airport terminals safer!...

COVID-19 Support
When COVID-19 dramatically changed the world, TLC team members transitioned to working from home, using our robust IT infrastructure to continue support of our clients...