In his nearly 25 years at TLC, Brian has worn many hats, but the one that may fit him the best is his current role as the director of TLC’s PEAK Institute or PI. A Georgia Tech mechanical engineer, Brian joined TLC with several years of experience, having predominantly engineered aviation and Department of Defense projects. Early in his career, he was particularly drawn to the design of a Key West navy fitness center where translucent wall panels were used to admit light and bring the outdoors inside. His fascination and appreciation for buildings that engage with the environment has remained a constant through his career and in 2016 he earned his WELL AP credential, making a commitment to help TLC clients achieve designs that focus on providing a healthy and beneficial environment for building users.
If you’ve met Brian, you know that he uses stories of past projects and situations to make his points and typically does so with humor. He regularly presents at AIA, USGBC, and other industry and educational events, leaving a lasting impression on those who hear him evangelize for healthy buildings. Ask him about his most memorable project and you’ll learn all about making potable water from seawater on Ascension Island (and efficiency using waste heat to do so!). Brian is among the few engineers in the nation to earn his WELL AP, be recognized with LEED Fellow status AND hold a FitWel Ambassador credential! He focuses on bringing the latest industry trends and evolving technologies to TLC clients, creating health, sustainable and attractive buildings.
The best part of his job? Brian embraces working with technical experts on a wide range of project types. He likens his role to that of being a translator – hearing an architect’s vision, the owner’s financial goals and translating that into engineering strategies that support those targets. He’s TLC’s ‘blue sky’ guy who is ready with an idea – from solving a sustainability challenge or sorting out funding for energy conservation measures with a creative twist.